Maaf, saya bukan perempuan macam diluar sana. Sarah Hilderbrand ded4h pvnca putus

Pelakon Sarah Hildebrand membuat pended4han tentang pvnca putus cinta dengan bekas kekasihnya sekitar Februari lalu. Difahamkan, bekas kekasih yang dimaksudkan Sarah ialah pengacara popular, Nabil Mahir, sementelah perpisahn mereka diketahui umum berlaku pada awal tahun ini. Menerusi kemas kininya dalam Inst4gram.

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Assalamualaikum, thanks again everyone for being so supportive. I would just like to say that I wanted to set the record straight. I know that there have been people talking bad about me. Spreading rumors that I was the one who acted out and cheated due to his past statement. I even heard that there are people in the industry spreading those rumors to potential clients who would like to work with me. Alhamdulillah. Allah is great. Allah is the one who provides sustenance, not people. I admit that it wasn’t 100% the correct way. I’m a pretty outspoken person, I’ve been suppressing myself to fit in. I’m too loud. I’m too vocal. I’m too opinionated. I’m tired of people stepping over my head. I’ve had enough. I’ve mustered up the courage to speak and I’ve said what I needed to say. My intentions weren’t to spread hate but to empower those who are stuck in the same situation I was trapped in. I hope this will keep us #woke but can we please stop talking about it and everyone involved and let’s all work on being better people, better Muslims. Please don’t bash anyone. Let’s just pray for each other in hopes that we change for the better and not for the worse. I just want the world to be a better place. May Allah forgive us and accept our good deeds. 🖤

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pelakon drama Pujaan Hati Kanda itu menjelaskan dia penat mendepani perkara yang membeb4nkan ketika sepanjang percintaan. “Kawan-kawan saya kerap meminta saya untuk meningg4alkannya, tetapi saya tetap optimistik dan mengharap. 

Sarah bagaimanapun masih boleh meneruskan hubung4n kerana dia percaya keadaan akan berubah. Namun hubungan mereka semakin merunc1ng apabila bekas kekasih turut pernah menvduhnya tidvr dengan pengurus kerana mahukan populariti.

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Confession: The real reason I broke up with my ex. I put up with alot of unnecessary crap. When my friends asked me to leave, I kept making excuses for my ex because I wanted to be optimistic and hopeful. Throughout that relationship, I’ve been insulted, pushed around and bullied to be exact. There was no communication whatsoever when it came down to a future. Of course there was the intention, but he would always deflect the topic. It was tiring. I was accused of being a cheater because “I had the potential”, but one fine day, because Allah is fair, my ex confessed of cheating on me with another girl. Yet, I still tried to make it work, because I was an idiot. I thought I could just get over it and everything would be okay. Nope, couldn’t get over it. It haunted my thoughts. You could imagine after being hurt over and over again for almost 5 years, one would get tired of the relationship. That’s what happened. I had slowly started to slip away. Stopped hanging out, stopped being in the picture, started focusing on my self and my job. Alhamdulillah after so much hard work, my name became known because of Nadine, a character I had played in a TV Drama. Then, I was accused of wanting popularity. I was accused of sucking my managers dick. Sorry, I’m not a whore. I make sure the money I earn is Halal. I make sure my work is pure and Halal. I’m not only feeding myself but I’m taking care of a single mother, my mother. I would not ever want to make dirty income. That’s when I drew the line. I had enough. The last ever fight we had he told me to “F” off. That’s what I did. Best decision ever. I wish I called it off much sooner but everything happens for a reason. We grow through what we go through. I’m telling you this with good intentions, hoping that maybe you would learn from my mistakes, or maybe you’re hurting and going through what I had been through. I want you to know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to leave if you’re not happy. If someone is not making you happy or making you feel less than, just leave. You don’t have to make excuses for people. You need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. May Allah forgive and protect us. 🖤

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“Maaf, saya bukan perempuan j4lang. Saya pastikan duit yang saya dapat halal. Saya juga pastikan kerja yang saya lakukan halal. Apa yang saya dapat bukan sahaja untuk diri saya tetapi untuk ibu saya juga,” katanya lagi. Mengakui penat dengan suhu perhubung4n yang tidak menentu, Sarah juga bersyukur kerana urusannya dipermudahkan Tuhan.

“Namun, Allah Maha Adil, bekas kekasih saya itu mengaku pernah menj4linkan hvbungan dengan wanita lain,” luah Sarah. Sungguhpun begitu, Sarah mengakui lega dengan keputusan yang dibuat. Akuinya, keputusan untuk berpisah dibuat semasa pergadvhan terakhir mereka.

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When you start to explore the world, you’ll start to complain less. Syukur for the things we have and appreciate the beauty the world has to offer. #travel #holiday #bosnia

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“Sepatutnya saya minta putus lebih awal. Tetapi, saya tulis semua ini kerana berniat baik. Saya mahu kamu semua belajar daripada kesilapan saya,” akuinya. Tidak sampai beberapa jam luahan hatinya dikongsikan dalam Inst4gram, pelakon berusia 29 tahun itu bagaimanapun memadamkan semula muat naik tersebut.

Pada Februari lalu, kisah Sarah dan Nabil Mahir menjadi buah mulut ramai apabila masing-masing membuat peng4kuan putus cinta selepas lima tahun bersama. Lebih mensens4sikan keadaan, Nabil mengakui telah membeli sebentuk cincin untuk melamar Sarah. Namun, hasrat bekas pengacara HLive! itu tidak kesampaian apabila mengumumkan telah putus cinta dengan pelakon berkenaan. Sumber kosmo online




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Sumber : ArenaSetempat


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